Earn money from your links

Monetize your short links effortlessly with our innovative platform! Create and share short links (do not forget to activate ads in dashboard) to start earning money for every impression. Join us today and turn your short links into a lucrative income stream!

Start earning today

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3 simple steps to start earning money

Anyone can make money


Create short link(s).
* You must be registered.


Enable monetization

You only need to do this once, you can always turn it off.



For each ad viewed through your links, you will receive a cash reward.


Have any questions?

Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?

Our program allows you to shorten your long links into concise, shareable ones. When you include advertising in these links and someone views them, you earn a small reward of 0.05 cents ($0.0005). During 1 click, the site can show up to 3 advertisements, you will receive 0.05 cents for each advertisement separately. 1 click = 3 advertisements = 0.15 cents you get.

How can I participate in the advertising rewards program?

To join the program, simply sign up on our website and start shortening your links. In your personal account, you will find a switch that activates monetization for all your links. Once activated, you’ll automatically be eligible to earn rewards for each ad impression during a click on your link.

What type of ads will be displayed on my links?

We moderate each advertisement personally. These may include banner ads, interstitials, or other formats. Our goal is to ensure a seamless and non-intrusive user experience while maximizing your earning potential.

How will I receive the money I earn?

Earnings are accumulated in your account, and you can request a payout once you reach a specified threshold — $10.00. We offer various payout options for your convenience, including payment via PayPal.

Is there a limit to the number of advertising links I can create?

Our platform has a standard limit on the links you can create. Depending on the subscription or lack thereof, these limits vary; more details can be found here. There are no additional limits. Feel free to generate as many as you like and watch your rewards grow with each click.

Can I track the performance of my links and earnings?

Yes, our platform provides detailed analytics, allowing you to monitor the performance of your links, including click-through rates and earnings. Stay informed about which links are most successful and optimize your strategy accordingly.

Are there any restrictions on links that participate in monetization?

While we encourage creativity, we do have guidelines in place to ensure a safe and positive user experience. Content that violates our terms of service or involves illegal or inappropriate material will be deleted and the user will be punished accordingly.

How quickly does the money I earn get credited to my account?

Your account is updated in real-time, so you can see the impact of clicks on your links immediately. Track your progress regularly to stay informed about your earnings.

Feel free to contact our support team if you have any additional questions or need further assistance.
Happy link shortening and earning! Contact Us.